1. Call your mom. Real call – no text. She needs to hear your voice.
2. If you need to go to the bathroom during class, just get up & go, then come back to your seat. You don’t need to raise your hand and ask permission.
3. Never, EVER, EVER accept a drink from anyone unless you see them make it with your own eyeballs. (credit to @andylassner)
4. This is your chance to be whoever you want to be. No one gets to tell you who to be – be you.
5. Those nights when you’re leaving to go out at 10 or 11 ? Remember them. There will be adult nights when you’re asleep by 8 and you can’t imagine how you ever lived that college life.
6. Always make sure your laptop is muted during class.
7. If you ever need advice, ask for it. From someone older who has done this.
8. No means no and “passed out and asleep” does not constitute consent.
9. You have more discretionary time in college than you will ever have again. Fill your discretionary time wisely. (Discretionary time = the time that YOU get to decide how to use it; Nondiscretionary time = time you are committed to but dictated by a boss, family, beyond-your-control force)
10. Call your mom. Right now.